Hello Friends,
There are research-based risk factors that determine a person's likelihood of developing a substance addiction, as well as, potential severity. One factor is our genetics. If our family members have had problems with substance addictions, that puts us at a higher probability for the same.
Both our life stressors and personal attributes, such as how we handle life struggles, contribute to our likelihood of developing an addiction, or difficulty we may have in staying in remission if we have developed a substance problem.
Our brains continue to develop and mature through our 20s, therefore the earlier we start to consistently misuse a substance, the higher the danger of developing a serious substance dependency will be, because of the disrupted brain development.
Risk factors don't exist in a vacuum. Combined together, they increase our lifelong chances of substance dependency. This disrupts most areas of our lives, such as our relationships, jobs, and health.
We took all that is known in the research to contribute to addictions and applied it to our assessment tool. It asks the necessary questions to treat addictions effectively and enables access to assessment and treatment across cultural, economic, and geographic barriers, including those homeless and incarcerated.
Please join us in the battle against the opioid epidemic and tell people about us!
Thank you,
Joyce Ann McGinn