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Compris and criminal justice reform

Hi Everyone,

Did you know that half of the primary convictions among federal prisons are for drug offenses? Did you also know that of those incarcerated, 65-85% have a substance addiction, while 75% of those also suffer from a mental illness?

Compris was thrilled to have Calvin speak at the 2020 Illinois Reentry Conference: Advancing Criminal, Health, and Social Justice, in Springfield last week, sponsored by the Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago. Our topic: Reducing Stigma and Recidivism: Applying a Chronic Illness Model to Addiction Assessment and Treatment. It was an honor to be a part of this dedicated and action oriented group. Many of them shared their own struggles with the system and how they were able to carve out new lives for themselves that included now helping others transition from incarceration to the community.

What if instead of incarcerating those suffering with addictions, we could get them into treatment programs? As mentioned in my last email, this is starting to happen in many communities around the nation.

It's paramount that everybody be given a chance at health. Compris is dedicated to helping those who are suffering with addictions get to the right treatment at the right time, through our comprehensive assessment, prevention and treatment plan. This includes those incarcerated who, without the opportunity to get help, will likely fail upon reentry into the community and end up back in jail.

What if, by properly assessing people in our prison system, and getting them the right help, we can reduce their likelihood of reoffending and they can lead healthy and productive lives in their communities?

Compris is the only substance use assessment available today that offers comprehensive addiction diagnostics and risk stratification consistent with a chronic illness treatment paradigm. Its carefully designed algorithms translate evidence-based lifetime risk and resilience factors, DSM-5 illness diagnostics, motivation, denial, and self-reported readiness, into the first complete prevention, treatment, and long-term addiction management guide.

Designed for immediate access and optimal use by anyone treating or referring those at risk, Compris’s accessible, 10-15-minute online self-report delivers the ComprisCare Profile© to providers within minutes of completion. Recommendations target both emergent and ongoing concerns of addiction specialists, ER and primary care providers, criminal justice and the military.

Please help us more effectively manage this chronic illness. Learn more and help us spread the word by sharing us on social media.

Thank you.

Joyce Ann and Calvin McGinn


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